You can learn about what mathematical ideas your child is working on by exploring the resources found in each of the nine weeks below. You will find video clips, examples of student work, and games/activities to try at home!
Fifth Grade Unpacking Document
Major Work Standards
Fifth Grade Video Discussions
Fifth Grade Parent Information from NCDPI
Fifth Grade Unpacking Document
Major Work Standards
Fifth Grade Video Discussions
Fifth Grade Parent Information from NCDPI
First Quarter
During the first quarter, fifth graders will focus on computational fluency in addition and subtraction, the structure of place value, and the base-ten number system. An emphasis on reasoning about the magnitude of numbers and the base-ten structure with whole numbers will support later work with fractions and decimals. They will then focus on the operations of multiplication and division, building computational fluency and solidifying their use of strategies such as making equivalent problems which will also support later work with fractions and decimals. Fifth graders will solidify multiplication with the standard algorithm. During the last part of the quarter, They will develop an understanding of volume and relate volume to multiplication and addition.
Videos Finding Volume with Unit Cubes Partial Products Multiplication Online Games Pan Balance- Expressions Pan Balance- Numbers Factor Game Games Multiplication Compare Compare Cards Books to Read The King's Chessboard A Grain of Rice Student Work Samples |
Second Quarter
During the second nine weeks, your fifth graders will focus on the major work of fractions. Your child's learning will begin with experiences that develop relationships between decimals and fractions.The work of equivalent fractions from first grade will continue as students develop fluency for adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators ( See example below). Area models, clock models, bar diagrams and number lines will be used as representations that support the conceptual understanding. The array model (see graphic below) will be used to develop an understanding of the result of multiplying two fractions or two mixed numbers. In fifth, grade students will divide a unit fraction by whole number or a whole number by a unit fraction ( 5 divided by 1/3 or 1/3 divided by 5). This work is grounded in word problems and representations.As your fifth graders work on applying and extending previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions, they strengthen the ideas of fractions as numbers. |
Solution Strategies
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division